When someone tells you they have or had cancer it is natural to want to ask
them hundreds of questions. Humans are curious, that's just a fact.
Usually this curiosity surrounding cancer will manifest itself in one of 3 ways;
1) You ask them everything all in one giant sitting because you just
really need to get it off your chest.
really need to get it off your chest.
2) You ask them a few questions every so often, because you probably
don't want to seem insensitive.
don't want to seem insensitive.
3) You hold back pretty much every question because you feel very
awkward about asking, especially questions which you feel are most
likely to personal or silly to ask.
awkward about asking, especially questions which you feel are most
likely to personal or silly to ask.
I have experienced people from each of these categories, but I think
most people fall into the third category.This is why I have created this blog
I asked on Facebook and Twitter and on this blog for people to contact me
with the questions they really wanted to know. People responded very well
and I got a lot of private messages. You all wanted to know answers to
questions both about cancer in general and about specific cancer types.
Therefore I decided to ask a group of my "cancer friends" to
with the questions they really wanted to know. People responded very well
and I got a lot of private messages. You all wanted to know answers to
questions both about cancer in general and about specific cancer types.
Therefore I decided to ask a group of my "cancer friends" to
help me answer the questions I couldn't.
In order to allow them to answer truthfully and without worry I told them
all that they would remain anonymous. So when when you read a direct
quote from someone other than myself I will write something such as this:
"Female bowel cancer survivor, 22."
all that they would remain anonymous. So when when you read a direct
quote from someone other than myself I will write something such as this:
"Female bowel cancer survivor, 22."
I hope you find the answers to the questions you wanted to ask:
Is it okay to ask... about testicular cancer?
1) If you had one of your balls removed, does this mean it hurts
less if you get kicked in the groin?
less if you get kicked in the groin?
Testicular cancer survivor (20):
Erm... I can't say anyone has ever asked me that before actually!
Well I think it kind of hurts the exact same as it used to. I suppose you
could argue that having one less ball to be sore technically makes it less
sore. But trust me it still hurts!!!!
Well I think it kind of hurts the exact same as it used to. I suppose you
could argue that having one less ball to be sore technically makes it less
sore. But trust me it still hurts!!!!
2) Does it affect your sex life now, compared to before?
Testicular cancer survivor (24):
It’s completely natural to automatically have a bunch of worries, and
questions after getting diagnosed with testicular cancer. I most definitely
thought, “how is my mojo gonna change now that I’m getting a ball removed?!”
Well, I think it’s good to note that everyone is different and what I've experienced might be different from you.
questions after getting diagnosed with testicular cancer. I most definitely
thought, “how is my mojo gonna change now that I’m getting a ball removed?!”
Well, I think it’s good to note that everyone is different and what I've experienced might be different from you.
I haven’t really had any change in my sex life at all. Everything still works,
I still can orgasm and my urges are the same as before. However, when
it comes to reproduction, that’s a different story.
I still can orgasm and my urges are the same as before. However, when
it comes to reproduction, that’s a different story.
Is it okay to ask... about skin cancer?
1) Did you use a lot of sunbeds before you get skin cancer?
Skin cancer survivor (22):
I've never had a sunbed before in my life, nor do I particularly sit out
in the sun even on holiday. Some cancers can be genetic and melanomas
fall into this category although none of my family members have suffered
from it.
One thing that annoys me more than anything
in the sun even on holiday. Some cancers can be genetic and melanomas
fall into this category although none of my family members have suffered
from it.
One thing that annoys me more than anything
is the rush people have to ask me if I frequently have sunbeds or people
who continue to discuss their use of sun beds in front of me despite knowing
my diagnosis. So no, not all skin cancers are due to UV exposure.
who continue to discuss their use of sun beds in front of me despite knowing
my diagnosis. So no, not all skin cancers are due to UV exposure.
2) do you feel like skin cancer is less difficult than a lot of other
cancers, because it's on the surface, and more easy to spot?
cancers, because it's on the surface, and more easy to spot?
Skin cancer survivor (22):
Skin cancer certainly isn't the most difficult cancer to have - the survival
rate is incredibly high and the majority of cases are visible from the outside
due to a change in a mole etc.
rate is incredibly high and the majority of cases are visible from the outside
due to a change in a mole etc.
I unfortunately was slightly unlucky and my melanoma was under the
surface which is fairly rare. It was very awkward to remove and has already
recurred and I'm only 22. So yes and no. Skin cancer can be less difficult in
some cases but please remember, it is still a cancer diagnosis and someones
life has still be greatly effected so I'd avoid saying that to anyone.
surface which is fairly rare. It was very awkward to remove and has already
recurred and I'm only 22. So yes and no. Skin cancer can be less difficult in
some cases but please remember, it is still a cancer diagnosis and someones
life has still be greatly effected so I'd avoid saying that to anyone.
Amy here: I totally agree with my friend. I think the worst thing you could
say to a cancer patient is that their cancer "isn't the worst." Cancer is cancer,
no matter where it is and the scale of it that cancer has changed that
persons life.
say to a cancer patient is that their cancer "isn't the worst." Cancer is cancer,
no matter where it is and the scale of it that cancer has changed that
persons life.
Is it okay to ask... about ovarian cancer?
Since it was ovarian cancer that I was diagnosed with then I will answer
these questions myself.
these questions myself.
1) "What actually are ovaries?"
You would be surprised how often I am actually asked this question
(and not just by men).
(and not just by men).
The ovaries are two small, oval-shaped organs in the pelvis They make up part of the female reproductive
system, (which includes the ovaries, fallopian tubes, womb, cervix and
vagina -just so you know-)
system, (which includes the ovaries, fallopian tubes, womb, cervix and
vagina -just so you know-)
Each month, in women who are young enough, one of the ovaries produces
an egg. The egg passes down the fallopian tube to the womb. If the egg isn't
fertilised by a sperm, it passes out of the womb. It’s then shed, along with the
lining of the womb, as part of the monthly period (the horrible bloody time of
the month).
an egg. The egg passes down the fallopian tube to the womb. If the egg isn't
fertilised by a sperm, it passes out of the womb. It’s then shed, along with the
lining of the womb, as part of the monthly period (the horrible bloody time of
the month).
Is this a bit too much information? Hope not because here is another important
job of the ovaries: Ovaries also produce the female sex hormones estrogen
and progesterone. As a woman nears the menopause, the ovaries make less
of these hormones and periods gradually stop.
job of the ovaries: Ovaries also produce the female sex hormones estrogen
and progesterone. As a woman nears the menopause, the ovaries make less
of these hormones and periods gradually stop.
And now hopefully you understand what ovaries actually are.
(Never thought that sex education at high school was worth it,
but now I see it is)
(Never thought that sex education at high school was worth it,
but now I see it is)
2) "What is it like to be infertile?"
This is actually a very difficult subject for me to fully admit my feelings about,
but i'm going to just open up here.
but i'm going to just open up here.
When someone losses a child, it's awful, and people start to imagine how
completely at loss that family must be feeling.
completely at loss that family must be feeling.
However, I feel people can't really seem to understand the loss I feel that I can't have children. I am so emotionally hurt by my loss that some days this
is all have thought about, I have cried for hours at the loss of children who
have never even really existed.I live every day in a constant reminder that I
will never conceive a child. I often cry when I find out that someone I know
is pregnant or has given birth, I have locked myself inthe bathroom and
collapsed in a heap of pain.

I can be content, push it to the back of my brain for a long time, then all
of a sudden something triggers. I remember and I am consumed by my
sadness until once again I make myself become numb to it.
I'm not sure how to deal with this horrible hole I seem to have in my heart. In fact right now as I write this is the first time I've even decided to open up
about my feelings.
about my feelings.
Infertility is lonely, I am 21 so many people I know are having kids and starting
a family. I am happy for them, but I am also heartbroken because I know my
future isn't like their's, no matter how much I want it to be.
Sometimes I even get very angry about being infertile, I feel really cheated.
I feel like I have been denied the right a woman has to create life, something
which is so amazing,something which I always took for granted that I would be
able to do. I feel like less of a woman, like I am incomplete, because I am.
I feel like I have been denied the right a woman has to create life, something
which is so amazing,something which I always took for granted that I would be
able to do. I feel like less of a woman, like I am incomplete, because I am.
I am quite a strong person now because I had to be, and I smile and face
the day most days However, some days I just need to break down and allow
myself to be sad and angry,because I have every right to be.
I need to allow myself to grieve for my ovaries, for the woman I used to be,
for all the things that might have been. Otherwise I'd end up a bitter menopausal woman who hates every woman who gets pregnant because she is jealous. That is not the person I will ever allow myself to become.
I need to let go of the life I had planned and just live the life I have.
After all becoming infertile is what it took to save my life.
I will forever be saddened when I remember what I have lost, but I will
use the joy I feel everyday from still being alive to overcome it as best I can.
Is it okay to ask... about cancer?
1) "Is cancer contagious?"
No. This is a large misconception that people believe more often than you can
imagine.In the past, people often stayed away from someone who had cancer.
They were afraid they might “catch” the disease. But cancer isn’t like the flu or a
cold. You can’t catch cancer from someone who has it.
imagine.In the past, people often stayed away from someone who had cancer.
They were afraid they might “catch” the disease. But cancer isn’t like the flu or a
cold. You can’t catch cancer from someone who has it.
2) "What is remission?"
Some people think that remission means the cancer has been cured, but this
isn’t always the case. Remission is a period of time when the cancer is responding
to treatment or is under control. In a complete remission, all the signs and
symptoms of cancer go away and cancer cells can’t be detected by any of the tests
available for that cancer. It’s also possible for a patient to have a partial remission.
This is when the cancer shrinks but doesn't completely disappear. Remissions can last
anywhere from several weeks to many years.Complete remissions may go on for
years and over time be considered cures. If the cancer returns, another remission
may be possible with further treatment.
isn’t always the case. Remission is a period of time when the cancer is responding
to treatment or is under control. In a complete remission, all the signs and
symptoms of cancer go away and cancer cells can’t be detected by any of the tests
available for that cancer. It’s also possible for a patient to have a partial remission.
This is when the cancer shrinks but doesn't completely disappear. Remissions can last
anywhere from several weeks to many years.Complete remissions may go on for
years and over time be considered cures. If the cancer returns, another remission
may be possible with further treatment.
3) "Does ALL your hair fall out?"
Answer:; This is actually the question I have been asked more times than any
other question, and it is usually accompanied by an obvious gesture towards
your groin. Yes ALL the hair fell out.
Although loosing my hair was really difficult there was always an upside:
I never realised how much time this takes up
until I didn't have to do it anymore. Also when I lost my eyebrows I used to draw
different ones on depending on my mood, just because it was funny
(my personal favorite was the sharp pointed and arc shaped angry eyebrows).
other question, and it is usually accompanied by an obvious gesture towards
your groin. Yes ALL the hair fell out.
Although loosing my hair was really difficult there was always an upside:
I never realised how much time this takes up
until I didn't have to do it anymore. Also when I lost my eyebrows I used to draw
different ones on depending on my mood, just because it was funny
(my personal favorite was the sharp pointed and arc shaped angry eyebrows).
4) "Do you think they will ever find the cure for cancer?"
I don't think they will ever find one singular cure for cancer because cancers are
all very different. I hope that in the future there will be lots of medical advancements
to treat and cure different types of cancer. The advancements we have made
in even the last 5 years is the treatment of cancer is astonishing.
There have been lots of claims that people have found "THE cure" for cancer,
and people continue to waste their money on the hope for a miracle.
However I'd like to quote the late Patrick Swayze (who died of pancreatic
cancer in 2009) "Ifanybody had that cure out there like so many people swear
to me they do, you'd be two things: you'd be very rich, and you'd be very
famous. Otherwise, shut up."
all very different. I hope that in the future there will be lots of medical advancements
to treat and cure different types of cancer. The advancements we have made
in even the last 5 years is the treatment of cancer is astonishing.
There have been lots of claims that people have found "THE cure" for cancer,
and people continue to waste their money on the hope for a miracle.
However I'd like to quote the late Patrick Swayze (who died of pancreatic
cancer in 2009) "Ifanybody had that cure out there like so many people swear
to me they do, you'd be two things: you'd be very rich, and you'd be very
famous. Otherwise, shut up."
I hope you found this helpful, after all these are some of the frequent questions
that were being sent to me. I will likely make another blog post like this one in
the future because people just have so many questions, so don't hesitate to ask me some more.
that were being sent to me. I will likely make another blog post like this one in
the future because people just have so many questions, so don't hesitate to ask me some more.
Please Like my Facebook page for this blog, and give the page a Follow on Twitter
and as always share it.
Amy x